Zero 「世界がオシマイになっちまうんだぜ?」 「そんなの、生きてるうちにどうやったって拝みたい!!」 「何故まだ世界が在る? 俺の“終末”はどうなった?」 「世界が終わる風景…… 一緒に見るためにここまできたんだぜ?」 「頼むよ、オレの救世主――」 「“蒼い空”ねえ…… なぜキミ達はソレにこだわる?」 「この世界の有様に疑問を持たないのか?」 「理・因果・物理法則…… 全て神々の都合の結果に過ぎないのに。」 「空の色が、蒼でなければならない理由なんてない。」 ... Give praise, for he has no equal Worship him. A god has been born unto the world Cower in fear. He will not forgive any vice Devote yourself. Your fate is all but written What is a god? Omnipotence given form For what, did he invoke creation? So life may thrive Then what, meaning lies in life? What becomes of that question? ... Give praise, for he has no equal Worship him, a god has been born unto the world Cower in fear. He will not forgive any vice Devote yourself. Your fate is all but written What is a god? Omnipotence given form For what, did he invoke creation? So life may thrive Then what, meaning lies in life? What becomes of that question? Come, watch your world Drift into a vivid reality Bring your will Ready yourself for supremacy Black wings will reign down Fulfilling the skyborn prophecy Life and death become one The miserable and the blessed return To the void ... Receive the twilight Witness as all creation Twists into new form Now, I call you O' Grand Chaos I prostrate myself before you In this moment Grant my wish Turn all, bind all Until everything is black darkness And I pray to you For rebirth in pure, white splendor And I pray to you For rebirth in pure, white splendor And I pray to you FOR REBIRTH IN PURE WHITE SPLENDOR! 【どうして空は蒼いのか】