ESCAPE 作词 : 陈粤彬 饼爷 作曲 : HoworD 黄昏还没收尾 字迹潦草会飞 不要乐极生悲 只是没有机会 看心情坠入谷底沉默 挂钟的时针秒针交错 好像在对我说 Ang ang ang ang ang ang 装洒脱其实内心脆弱 一不小心跌进你的旋涡 已经自甘堕落 饱受摧残冷漠 挂钟的时针秒针交错 找个没人的地方躲躲 那也许是种解脱 那也许是种解脱 装洒脱其实内心脆弱 一不小心跌进你的漩涡 已经自甘堕落 饱受摧残冷漠 Find another way to escape Find another way to escape Find another way to escape Find another way Find another way to escape 看心情坠入谷底沉默 挂钟的时针秒针交错 好像在对我说 Ang ang ang ang ang ang 装洒脱其实内心脆弱 一不小心跌进你的旋涡 已经自甘堕落 饱受摧残冷落 I want to find a way to escape Over and over again Whisper to tell me the plan Touch me and feel my pain Escape from the kingdom’s land I wanna find a way to escape I wanna find a way to escape I wanna I wanna find a way to escape