25i 作词 : 25i 作曲 : 周雨阳sb 想要开始写作 但是又不知该从何写起 似乎对一切事物的怀疑成为了下笔的阻碍 又似乎是因为自我消化能力太强 没有太多想要表达的欲望了 可是种种的空虚感还是萦绕在心头 似乎需要通过某种方式将其填满 是感受别人太多的缘故吗 还是已经好久没有将自己放出去了呢 似乎连自我解剖这件事情都会成为怀疑的对象 因为上一秒的想法和下一秒真的完全不一样啊 (25i – 25i) Want to start writing But I don't know how to write it. It seems that all things become suspect or hinder It seems to be because there is too much self digestion and no desire to express too much. But all sorts of emptiness still linger in the mind It seems to need to fill it in some way Is it a reason to feel too much of others It's been a long time not to put myself out It seems that even self dissection will be the subject of doubt Because the last second thought was really different from the next second. (25i – 25i)