I'm Sorry,You Are Not Mine Don't leave your way Don't leave your dream Don't give up yourself Don't leave your way Don't give up yourself Don't give up your self 一句诺言 承诺不会改变 曾经定下的 定下的那些誓言 随着这时间 随着世间改变 你总是迷失在你 生命每一天 这不是我想要看到的 Why 这不是我得到的结果 Don't leave your way Don't leave your dream Don't give up yourself (Don't give up your self) Don't leave your way Don't give up yourself (Don't give up your self) 为了谁? 为了安抚自己 隐藏在最深处 那一颗脆弱的心 无法面对我 也无法面对自己 So I say I'm sorry You are not mine 你总是反复推翻你 自己曾定下的诺言 添加着无尽的烦扰 彷徨着人生每一刻 Don't leave your way Leave your dream You konw Don't leave your way Leave your dream Don't give up yourself So you said 这像你庇护的港湾 But this way 并不是可以排除你困扰的方式 I need you alive This time is you You must be yourself But i don't know how long to wait for you