[00:00.000] 作词 : 小青/Shing02 [00:00.000] 作曲 : Funky DL [00:00.00]The beat plus the melody's the recipe, [00:00.01]节奏加上旋律就是解药 [00:03.00]Your vibe surely brings out the best in me. [00:03.01]伯牙子期你我无需多言 [00:07.00]“士元啊,让我一醉方休吧。士元,我真的舍不得她走啊。” [00:20.00]Once again, now where do I start, dear love [00:20.01]重逢俗世竟一时语塞 [00:22.00]Dumbstruck with the pure luck to find you here [00:22.01]幸运如斯又相遇此刻 [00:25.00]Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night, [00:25.01]浮光将虚无之夜翻覆 [00:28.00]Sometimes still pondering the previous plight, [00:28.01]却未敢忘却字字暧屠 [00:30.00]Seems life done changed long time no speak, [00:30.01]生活悄然改变 [00:33.00]Nowadays I often forget the day of the week [00:33.01]而我也不再因日期而挂念 [00:35.00]Taking it by stride if you know what I mean, [00:35.01]跳入那时间的海去感受自由 [00:38.00]No harm done, no offense taken by me. [00:38.01]宝贝啊,我并无恶意 [00:42.00]窗外的蝉叫得可欢了,那是它积淀了几个春秋的生命力。也是它难得寻到的生命动力和意义。突然,一只手顺走了它。手,成了凶器,天津的夏恢复了静谧。那蝉,像风筝断了线,似乎悄悄拍死了整个夏天。 [01:02.00]银河特快的电再见在你我之间, [01:04.00]月色夜色间,竟在吻间绽放第三绝。 [01:07.00]决绝的雨爬过你瘦削的肩, [01:09.00]又捧起你的脸清冽间变换。 [01:13.00]边患,阿尔哈捷的天。 [01:15.00]缠绵,奥斯萨巴岛的夜。 [01:17.00]语言是线,节奏是电,而你是一碗平面。 [01:20.00]龟兔赛跑的故事同小老虎相拥入眠。 [01:23.00]焦虑和热望,我无心抗争。宿命的沙漏即将见底告罄,越痛苦刺激,越回味无力。我心脱离渐识渐远的尘境。 [01:43.00]C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E evidently, see every song has a sequel [01:43.01]生活如是,当感受到如此浓烈的爱,就像每首歌都会有续曲 [01:48.00]Never same, everything but the name, all fresh just like back then, how we do everyday [01:48.01]以爱命名之物永远不同,如此鲜活如同当初你我 [01:53.00]C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E eloquently, see every dream has a part two [01:53.01]生活如是,当说出毫不迟疑的爱,就像每个梦总有两面 [01:59.00]Never same, you got to keep it tight, always just like back then, now hear me out... [01:59.01]那个总在改变的梦我们仍该紧握,还请继续由我慢慢诉说 [02:05.00]你瞧啊,这美味的苦痛又来了。这到底是因为什么呢,我总是欲望中默契地等待着恐惧迷途在这里。我看不见天,看不见地。只得乖乖躺下,任那遗传的X染色体感受着一切,红色、紫色、黑色,都与我无可分辨地掺杂在一起,自由着遁入可怕的曙色。沉着,浮着。我想我,还是爱你的。 [02:25.00]星期天,走出买过酸奶的便利店。 [02:27.00]酒过衷肠愁未解,抽烟抽出个天崩地裂。 [02:29.00]上海的风很色,总悄悄抚摸着你的脸。 [02:33.00]那掐住我喉咙的手,我还想多牵几年。 [02:35.00]打磨的精度总是赶不上情感澎湃的速度。 [02:38.00]语言完成诱惑的权宜,不再昭示意图。 [02:40.00]旁观拍手笑疏狂,疏又何妨,狂又何妨。 [02:43.00]鱼尾纹诉说着企鹅宝宝栖饼干爸爸的过往。(枕边小猪?瘸腿小猫?) [02:46.00]我似儿童嗜戏如命,他人痛恨障碍,我恨幕落终曲。可最终真相依然冷酷无情。我死了,无臭无声,大幕拉起。 [03:05.00]So let's rap, we'll catch up to par, what's the haps? [03:05.01]跳跃吧,让我们更加熟悉 [03:08.00]Perhaps we're even closer now after all things considered on this side of the planet, [03:08.01]从诗词到人生,躲在一隅随节奏亲密 [03:14.00]Couldn't pick a better time even if we planned it! [03:14.01]在这最好的时刻,我们选择将彼此略过,也许这才是最够劲儿的 [03:17.00]To come clean and candid if I have to [03:17.01]白马轻裘我摊开所有 [03:19.00]Oh what I wouldn't trade for your laughter [03:19.01]在笑颜中融化的繁星苍穹 [03:22.00]Sweet and sour spice in my poetry pot melting, [03:22.01]这一切你我都再无法占有 [03:25.00]Even better than the real thing! [03:25.01]小虎牙啊,如蜜上的铁锈 [03:27.00]It's like the God in me saw the Devil in you [03:27.01]神性如我遇见恶魔如你 [03:29.00]I wanted to break myself in the worst way when I met you [03:29.01]吞下鱼钩我自愿入网 [03:32.00]Who would have thought, conversate by the river, celebrate birth, [03:32.01]谁曾想,在星河边关于庆生的谈话 [03:36.00]Sit and delivered the lines that would prove to be the seeds of trust [03:36.01]只是静静坐着互递信托 [03:39.00]Unsigned, yeah but destined to grow with sunshine [03:39.01]未曾署名,但必定在阳光中生长 [03:42.00]Self-assigned task piled on the desk of good works, [03:42.01]因爱的责任不断提升自己 [03:45.00]Knowing hardship appreciate the best of both worlds! [03:45.01]才知克服困难才是彰显爱最好的方式 [03:49.00]“去者自去,来者未来。情缘易了,主公珍重。”