作词 : Def G i be everyday thrifting 着埋晒d旧衫 i got everythang vintage 从头到脚全身 从overall 到denim 经典从来都唔惊屯 俾我十文鸡你着艮成套嘢全部有的搵 佢地都好好奇点解我会着成咁 系咪真系咁broke其实只系一部分原因 当你全身louie gucci supreme 而且都全新 好意思话自己学生问你专业你话苏联文 what 唔该你去睇下门诊 好?系咪银将脑烧鬼神 左 i dont give a **** tho Im still a fob tho 佢地睇我地都一样 but man I'm tryna rep y'all just tryna flex tho 不论内外都不像 所以我每日都hustle 相反你每日都烧草 我每个朝早 锻炼freestyle 然后行遍 城市每个thrift store cuz that’s ma life i aint trine be white or black or even chinaman that be repine anything that i don't be reppin yo that **** tight yo imma cop that joint throw it on with some 15 dollar funk holla at yo girl and bestealing ur bish cuz i be everyday thrifting 着埋晒d旧衫 i got everythang vintage 从头到脚全身 从overall 到denim 经典从来都唔惊屯 俾我十文鸡你着艮成套嘢全部有的搵 全身上下无一件迟过两千年 其他人都以为我穿越自二十年之前 当我花咗十文而你成套衫使咗成千 你条女想同我痴缠而你唔想同我有牵连 虽然我金链都买唔起 买二手衫都要睇时机 但我始终sweg 过你 我屙堵屎都香过你 净睇结果唔睇过程 不论cbc定香港来 man i be repping the fob 但 一视同仁 我心清欲寡 并 看破红尘 我脚下无影不在乎众人的眼 众目睽睽之下我只会认神 so lemme 烧支香 one time so all ma fits gon be **** find and I'm gon thrift till i be getting sponsorship from all these brands yea living like a hood chinaman and flexing on a budget cuz that’s life that i live i be everyday thrifting 着埋晒d旧衫 i got everythang vintage 从头到脚全身 从overall 到denim 经典从来都唔惊屯 俾我十文鸡你着艮成套嘢全部有的搵