Ninelie (English ver.) 作词 : 泽野弘之 作曲 : 泽野弘之 Where are you now? 你现在身在何处? Wash away this day of hurt 那日的伤痛已经拭去 But your bleeding scars remind you that barricade 但你还未愈合的伤口在提醒着你那场纷争 Tell me how 告诉我为何 You keep your focus and are intent 你对自己的目标始终坚信不疑 Although the crowds'memories must be decayed 即使我们终会消逝在人们的记忆中 Some little ironies 微不足道的讽刺之词 call tragedies 唤起众多悲剧的开始 so silently 在这般万籁俱寂之时 And you faced their gravity 他们曾经施加的重释 in agony, 让你置身痛苦 though... 尽管如此 Don't be afraid 不必惧怕 The daybreak has come out 黎明终会降临 There's no curtain call 序幕已应声拉起 No regrets are needed among the world of you and I 在名为你我的世界中早已不存在任何遗憾 You know, we had made every damn single mistake 你一定知晓,我们被迫所犯下的每一个可怕的错误 That's what it's all about, the life we've belonged 这一切都是如此真切,因为这就是属于我们的命运Where are you now? 你现在身在何方? Have you stripped your spirit down? 是否已被剥夺了斗志 Cus we made you so, to be our lethal grenade 是我们造就了如今的你,让你作为我们的致命武器而活着 Here I am 我就在这里啊 Praying for your peace at now 在此刻为你的平安归来而祈祷 Don't you hear me like a condessy serenade? 你是否还能听见由我心绪谱写的夜曲 Some little ironies 微不足道的讽刺之词 call tragedies 唤起众多悲剧的开始 so silently 在这般万籁俱寂之时 And you faced their gravity 他们曾经施加的重释 in agony, 让你置身痛苦 though... 尽管如此 Don't be afraid 不必惧怕 The daybreak has come out 黎明终会降临 There's no curtain call 序幕已应声拉起 No regrets are needed among the world of you and I 在名为你我的世界中早已不存在任何遗憾 You know, we had made every damn single mistake 你一定知晓,我们被迫所犯下的每一个可怕的错误 That's what it's all about, the life we've belonged 这一切都是如此真切,因为这就是属于我们的命运 Hearts bruise easily 人类的心脏是如此脆弱 How much strength our bodies have achieved 我们的身体又能再承载多少力量 Won't you please forgive yourself? 我可否请求你原谅自己的过错? And the tears will go above the sky 将那些悲伤落泪的时光抛去九霄云外 Oh~So,sob bitterly in my arms 所以,在想要啜泣的时候依靠着我的双臂 Just let go selfishly 哪怕这仅仅是我自私的愿望 You don't have to feel your guilt 你无需再为自己的过错感到内疚 That you walk ahead of your hope 向着你的希望迈进吧 Don't be afraid 不必惧怕 The daybreak has come out 黎明终会降临 There's no curtain call 序幕已应声拉起 No regrets are needed among the world of you and I 在名为你我的世界中早已不存在任何遗憾 You know, we had made every damn single mistake 你一定知晓,我们被迫所犯下的每一个可怕的错误 That's what it's all about, the life we've survived 这一切的一切,都支持着我们继续生活下去 Don't be afraid daybreak has come不必惧怕,黎明终会降临 Don't be afraid daybreak has come不必惧怕,黎明终会降临 Don't be afraid daybreak has come不必惧怕,黎明终会降临 Don't be afraid daybreak has come 不必惧怕,黎明终会降临