寂寞芳心俱乐部 作词 : 钟欣cent3e 作曲 : 钟欣cent3e 寂寞芳心俱乐部 编曲:GavinRiff 混音:恩德Andy18 词曲:cent3e三锤 和声:cent3e三锤 封面:super_Xc I don’t wanna stop don’t stop 让心情飞过海面给自己放个假 boy come to my club 当视线交汇那刻两幅交错的画 面 特别在我灵感乍现 的那一刻有好多交心的 话 现在想故意问你几点 又忍不住偷偷多看你几眼 喜欢你干净的香味 总是能立马感觉不管哪个方位 毫无防备 这次要带你逃离地球一起fly away(飞走) 看落日飞进海里海浪拍着岩壁(在你眼里 ) 暮色穿过身体伴着呼吸(完美的飞行) 踩着你熟悉的身影 月光下漫步我和你 耳机里播放着相同的歌曲 周围一切事物都显得多余 音乐总是充满了魔力 吸引你靠近我吸引我靠近你 当阴霾的角落被阳光照进去 this for love for you也for me(这首歌为了爱也为了你) baby you are really sweet like chocolate(cl cl cl) Baby, I told you I didn't care about anything.(except u) baby you are really like chocolate(cl cl cl) Baby, I told you I didn't care about anything. (except u) I wanna find u(我想要找到你) 但世间万物都被灌入 在我脑中转不停转不停 就像弹幕 但不知道时间是否可以站住 I have told u(我告诉你) ha ha 时间太快 只想把你装进我的口袋 dancing with me day and night(一整晚我们都在起舞) everthing is be allright(所有事物都变得更美好了) I need u(我需要你) like the blues needs the pain(像忧郁需要疼痛) like the flowers need the rain(像花朵需要雨水) baby you are really like chocolate(cl cl cl) Baby, I told you I didn't care about anything. (except u) baby you are really like chocolate(cl cl cl) Baby, I told you I didn't care about anything. (except u)