I've Seen Enough How's it gonna feel when summer ends Out of money, out of friends? I've seen enough of nothing new The blackest stain on history or last laugh blues Not gonna fight, not gonna cry Not gonna shop around for one flag to fly I've seen enough, inventor's age I've covered up my face, browbeaten shame I've got the edge, I feel the sting I've fallen into the deepest sleep, telephone rings How's it gonna feel when summer ends Out of money, out of friends? How's it gonna feel when summer ends Out of money, out of friends? I've seen enough, the angry mob Yelling in unison da, da, da, they can't be stopped Sitting at home, making plans Don't wanna be another silly set of accident hands How's it going to feel when summer ends Out of money, out of friends? How's it going to feel when summer ends Out of money, out of friends?