I have been to the layer of the great betrayer. He said a sinner is a saint as long as he's a liar. Searching for a pillar of hope. Rejection. I kept my head above the water. I did not drown amongst the sharks. Forced to close a door within myself. My best friend lost the key I have fallen victim fed by betrayal. "I'm always the ******* victim" "You're always the ******* victim" Drown, drown myself in apathy. You are ******* wrong with what you once did right. Adopt the idea of a better life. You gave up. You can't stop your self from sinking to the bottom of the ocean. You are the aborted fact of a lesser life. These words can kill like a curse. Now your reaction has taken over me. In time my soul will back away from you. Another body slipping away towards eternity.