I will make you pay the ******* price For your filthy way of life There is only one solution That is MA SS EXECUTI ON It makes me sick it makes me hate To watch you prance like sodomitic apes The earth will be cleansed of your ugliness With pride I commit *******icide To think they hesited, when they could be satisfied I will unleash my anger with vast amounts of chemical weapons Listen to me I have something important to tell you There is *******uals crawling in your vicinity They **** like rats They spread Vermithrax I shall split you all into Easily proscecutable units Send you to the death camp Send you back to your sterile father To think they hesited, when they could be satisfied I will unleash my anger with vast amounts of chemical weapons I have no guilt about this. I shall not hesitate What justifies this massacre is the fact that JESUS WAS BENT TOO