一叶知秋 作词 : 马智勇 作曲 : 邢磊 回忆踏着露水走过了长廊 寻觅一种感觉叫做方向 阳光带着笑容温暖了眼眶 发现天原来蓝的让人心伤 一阵风儿吹过天气转凉 一阵心酸飘落让自己坚强 放开我的双手你会在何方 我开始幻想你还在我身旁 花儿躲在角落里悄悄梳妆 杂草爬满上个世纪的墙 鸟儿沉默不语忘记飞翔 看着树的皱纹多么沧桑 One Falling Leaf Shows the Autumn Lyricist: Ma Zhiyongu Composer: Xing Lei Singer: Xing Lei Music Arranger: Daniel Deng Text & Translator:Wang Xiaoya 窗外是清凉的风,树叶被吹动的轻柔声音。这样的季候里,遍布的青苍秋气,蔓延的静寂清芬。一如倾听着邢磊的歌,秋色大地,叶落与花开,喧响与岑寂,阡陌田畴,凡尘俗世的每一种景致,皆可让人为之着迷。倾听他的一叶知秋时,忽然变得很安静,一丝清凉的感觉,如同夏日里,清风过耳。 The cool wind out of the window is blowing the leaves.The blue sky makes people sad because of the lonely autumn scene.Listening to his One falling leaf shows the autumn let me became very quiet suddenly.I wondered where you were since you left me.