SWEET COUNT DOWN SWEET COUNT DOWN SuG 「Fu-ahdvuig4aiowueqggp9t439qveihbygvo7vg-ck」 Ai yo Take the time 4 libido and BAKED!! Boo ya Boo ya!! Oh yeahhhh!! Drink it down! Drink it down! Do you enjoy it? This is your sweetest ends. Go phat! Sift and Shout on ****!! The sky breaks in here. So what meaning is it? I'll never do that. My life's going on. Until conclusion when the countdown finishes howling with sorrow Go phat! Sift and Shout on ****!! Go phat! Sift and Shout on ****!! The sky breaks in here. So what meaning is it? I'll never do that. My life's going on. Until conclusion when the countdown finishes howling with sorrow ねぇ、君だけは笑って居てよね ほら 朽ちる空 絶え間なく降り続く雨 後に 花が咲くでしょう。