Rabbit Foot I noticed. Not suddenly. I noticed. Its just a dream. We can't... 戻れる訳ない 解っていたはずなのに 同じ空見上げて That stars glittered made us tame. We started to say. Yeah 二人誓いをした "We'll try to gain place to be." Anytime when I close my eyes, I able to see that sight. そう今でもあの日々が心でじっとして (You just left our life.) One day I believed that stars make I'm always by your side. And I wanted to spend my life with you. So, one day we made a sign. We called"rabbit foot". Our sign. It was not works. That life was just a dream of mine. I know. It is wretched. I know. It is past days. I still don't wanna grant. That sign, I can't discard. あの時に戻ってあなたに会い顔を合わせたい また語り合いたい ねぇ朝までずっと Anytime when I close my eyes, I able to see that sight. あの頃の記憶が未だ僕を制止して (You just left our life.) One day I believed that stars make I'm always by your side. And I wanted to spend my life with you. So, one day we made a sign. We called"rabbit foot". Our sign. It was not works. That life was just a dream of mine. "If I've never met you." "If I've never be with you." "I've never cried my dear." "Why you just left me? Stay..." "Why you can't be here? Stay..." "You think easy to say good bye?" あの日に戻れるのは叶わないって分かっている あの日に見た光景は遠い記憶となって きっと思い出す様にずっと夢見た様に 眠る様に目を閉じる 目を閉じる 目を閉じるの... One day I believed that stars make I'm always by your side. And I wanted to spend my life with you. So, one day we made a sign. We called"rabbit foot". Our sign. It was not works. That life was just a dream of mine.