Twilight Rendezvous We walk down a lane by the river You're skipping a puddle of rain The rainbow I found will fade and vanish, but the bridge of hearts will be held You may see I'm addicted to you You just only too shy to say If we could be truer than as we are now, It's a big a day,It's big every day Twilight Rendezvous, Twilight Rendezvous Let's get together, so let's get true for love Let's get to sing a song, babe Oh, Let's sing a song, Let's sing for love On the long lane, Let's sing a song never ever to be heard The sunset goes on, the river glitters we are singing, Beautiful Twilight Rendezvous Catch me up you say and start running Sometimes you just look like a child Ialso just look like a child 'cause of you Two long shadows running on the long lane I don't know words to say correctly I want to be precious to you So I want to sing a song for love with you Let's sing a song, Let's sing a song for love The moon starts shining, the wind gets colder, Let's sing a song, Let's sing for love we are singing, Beautiful… we are singing, Beautiful Twilight Love Beautiful Twilight Song Beautiful Twilight Rendezvous