in the whirlpool listen, give me your heart I know that you drowning in the sea ah... third eye you have gone out what the hell is this and you make me sad when I looked for you knockin' knockin' in the middle of pains why you have disappeared? 僕らの行く末を見守る 愛すら交わせずに ただ 音も無く姿消す哀しみ負って 失くした心が 疼くだけ ah... dear like a broken doll I said same things over again and the sun hid the world is frozen hard it doesn't reach you if I don't make words you're in the whirlpool fallin' fallin' the life is not over even if we are lost 涙の理由を答えられず 叫ぶ声が聞こえてる 途方に暮れた世界の中で ずっと 明日の光を 探してる in the whirlpool fallin' fallin' the life is not over even if we are lost 僕らの行く末を見守る 愛すら交わせずに ただ 音も無く姿消す哀しみ負って 失くした心が 疼くだけ 言葉を紡ぐ 今 君へと 夜明けを待つこの場所で 激しく揺れる追憶の狭間で 悼みと寄り添い 生きていく