Chimeras~4つめのアグリーヌ I saw a lot I know a lot Happy smiles and The tears of ice Time goes by Where is my dream Might have been Somewhere deep Inside I felt I might But didn't do not me May be you Could achieve it But I feel the safest Being here like this I tried a lot I wished a lot Striving hope and No one to stop Now I know That dream may stay Might have been Somewhere may believe That fulfilled dream Is happiness But that not for me I don't want to I am happy being What I am right now The dream that I cherished All the years I lived Made me what I am May be my dream Infinite hope Is to dream The world can be changed But there are things Precious in their untouchable shape You like them as they are Because they are part of your life And you feel secure Being with familiar things That is what I wanted to tell That is my rule of life Some people may want To change the world But some are not We're free to decide Any way that you choose Is the right way Because you are Making your own life Someone said Long time ago We are not our memories We are our own dreams