Choose the light 2010  If the power of my spirit is being tested let me show something great Although alone the power maybe small together we can express something great Quiet but powerful my spirit is always with me Just to be true but not only true The dream that's in sight will be soon to hand Head for the light Choose the light Not the darkness A communication A self touched by something gentle Spreading the warmth of the gratitude felt inside Always keep an open heart All things are in the self Head for the light Choose the light Not the darkness つまさき ゆびさき つないで みるの あしおと ひびいて ひろがる せかい とおくに とどくよ とうめいな ひかり Can you draw the line between what you can do and what you can't do? Do you know when to stop? How much is too much? you're too close to the situation to know No matter how hard you try you will find some things impossible and then, you will see why and find a way and one by one things will become possible Things you need Things you don't need Can you draw the line? Where does it come from, this stupid pride? Insecurity But it's OK Just to be yourself Choose the light つまさき ゆびさき つないで みるの あしおと ひびいて ひろがる せかい あおぞら みあげて あるいて みるの とおくに みえるよ とうめいな ひかり あしおと かさねて あるいて みるの とおくまで とどくよ とうめいな ひかり