Down Oh Down You had given all you've got Cross every dessert you can ever cross Searched every inch that you laid eyes upon Kissed every chest you can on your way up But life is a villain that don't fool around The towering mountain of which you cannot mount The tears on your cheeks that came from a bleeding heart And I rub them down with this song If you can just lay it down And part with the ghost you brought All the way down oh down All the way down oh down If I can just save you from the shadow that clouds you atop All the way down oh down All the way down oh down In my arms But life is a villain that don't fool around The towering mountain of which you cannot mount The tears on your cheeks that came from a bleeding heart And I rub them down with this song If you can just lay it down And part with the ghost you brought All the way down oh down All the way down oh down If I can just save you from the shadow that clouds you atop All the way down oh down All the way down oh down In my arms