I\'M STILL A SIMPLE MAN The world grows older every day, Take the light before it fades, But some things never seem to change, For instance, love and domain, Someone may prefer to stay, Someone else prefers to fly away, I prefer to be inward with you, In same place. Please lady, stay I'll find you a perfect mate If you're going a while You don't have to wait But love is divine If you wait, that's fine Candy and wine Simple poetry I'm not gonna change I want to hold to you in my arms, I want to feel you so close to me, I want to look into your eyes I want to see what you see, I would like to kiss your lips I would like to feel your tender cheek I would like to have you, Take my breath away People today Will convert to love All are afraid, Even broken hearted No matter how, love may step away I'm here to tell you I'm not gonna change I'm not gonna change I'm a simple man, Even today I'm still a simple man My love song is a song for you, It comes from deep in my heart and soul The melody inspired by you, Can make me so happy (scatting) These are not just empty words; I am really deep in love with you. So I hope you feel the magic Of my song This is no song about a one-night stand Soulless and empty Bringing loneliness No matter how even time may slip away. I'm here to tell you I'm not gonna change I'm not gonna change I'm a simple man, Even today I'm still a simple man Even today I'm still a simple man Even today I'm a simple man (scatting)