1000 More Fools I heard them say that the meek shall reign on earth Phantasmal myriads of sane bucolic birth I've seen the rapture in a starving baby's eyes Inchoate beatitude the lord of the flies So what does it mean when your mind starts to stray? Kaleidoscopic images of love on the way Brother you'd better get down on your knees and pray A thousand more fools are bein' born every ******' day They try to tell me that the lamb is on the way With microwave transmissions they bombard us everyday The masses are obsequious contented in their sleep (Aah) The vortex of their minds ensconced within the murky deep So what does it mean when your mind starts to stray? Kaleidoscopic images of love on the way Brother you'd better get down on your knees and pay A thousand more fools are bein' born every ******' day