Rubber Bullets Exact To be exact,she is a very exact person. Explore As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. Exposure Exposure of children to TV violence will harm their mental health. faint I haven't the faintest idea about what she is up to. favo(u)r He obtained his position more by favor than by merit or ability. frighten News of the robberies frighten many people into fitting new locks to their doors. genuine He'll be able to tell the diamonds are genuine at a glance. guide Be guided by your sense of what is right and just. hint He hinted to us nothing of his resignation. illegal Except the Netherlands,all the European nations consider euthanasia illegal. imitate James can imitate his teacher's speech perfectly. impression The thief had left an impression of his foot in the garden. initial Her initial reaction was to say"yes",but she later changed her mind. insert Later,people tried to lift a building off its foundation,and insert rubber and steel between the ground and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. insult Some TV commercials are an insult to the viewers'intelligence. liberal Modern people have a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage. means Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech. minimum Repairing your car will cost a minimum of $100. normal Wet weather is quite normal at this time of year. popularity Western music is steadily gaining in popularity. possibility Taking this recent evolution into account,we may now conceive the possibility of a convergence among western and Chinese approaches to Nature. practical The number of the practical things done for the benefit of citizens is accepted as a sign of administrative merits. procedure Do you know the correct procedure to follow during a fire drill? progress We have made pleasing progress in our talks. prospect What do you think of the prospect of cyber economy? Reality I don't doubt the reality of his story. Reasonable She's perfectly reasonable in her demands. Regulate The activities of stock exchanges are regulated by law. release Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless,repetitive toil. Relevant It's said that a person's fate is relevant to his character. Represent You will need a lawyer to represent you in court. Request We request the honor of your company at dinner. Resist Jill couldn't resist making jokes about his baldness. Retain Despite losing his job he retains his pension. Rights Jane is a champion of women's rights. Rigid The government has rigid laws about paying taxes. Secretary The secretary made a note of the proceedings. Series China has adopted a series of anti-poverty measures.