Sinners Are Winners There once was a man Started playing this game Good, bad and ugly Results were the same, the same He cheated and lied ' Til he got to the top Power-mad crazy Didn't know where to stop, to stop He just piled his money mountain-high He took everybody for a ride Wheeling and dealing An' all dirty deeds He ploughed through his rivals Got fat on his greed, his greed The arrogant muther Kicked dirt in the face Sweetend his deals Mixed with arsenic and lace, and lace He just piled his money mountain-high He took everybody for a ride Sinners are winners Never going down Ruin and want Are just left in his wake Riches and glory All there for the take, the take One law of the poor The rest for the rich There's no way to nail This son of a *****, this ***** And we all know who that is !? He just piled his money mountain-high He took everybody for a ride Sinners are winners Never going down