Pistols shots ring out in the barroom night 夜晚时分酒吧间响起** Enter Patty Valentine from the upper hall 帕蒂·瓦伦丁从楼上下来 She sees the bartender in a pool of blood 她看见酒吧招待倒在血泊里 Cries out "My God they killed them all" 高声叫喊 “天呐他们全都被杀了” Here comes the story of the Hurricane 飓风的故事就这样开始了 The man the authorities came to blame For something that he never done Put him in a prison cell but one time he could-a been The champion of the world. 这个人因他从没做过的事被判入狱,而他本可以成为一个世界冠军。 Three bodies lying there does Patty see 正如帕蒂所见,三具尸体趟在那里 And another man named Bello moving around mysteriously 而另一个名叫贝勒的男子正可疑地走来走去 "I didn't do it" he says and he throws up his hands “不是我干的”他举起双手 "I was only robbing the register I hope you understand “我只是从收银机里偷了点钱,我希望你了解, I saw them leaving" he says and he stops 我看见他们离开。”他停了下来, "One of us had better call up the cops" “我们中的一个最好报警” And so Patty calls the cops 于是帕蒂报警了 And they arrive on the scene with their red lights fla***ng 警察来到现场,红色的警灯闪烁不停, In the hot New Jersey night. 在这炎热的新泽西的夜晚。 Meanwhile far away in another part of town 与此同时,远在这个市镇的另一边 Rubin Carter and a couple of friends are driving around Number one contender for the middleweight crown 罗宾·卡特,中量级冠军的最佳争夺者,和一对朋友正开着车 Had no idea what kinda ***t was about to go down 想不到何种狗屁的事正等着他 When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road 当一个警察把他拖到路边 Just like the time before and the time before that 就像以前发生的那样 In Patterson that's just the way things go 在帕特森市就是这样 If you're black you might as well not shown up on the street 如果你是黑人你最好别上街 'Less you wanna draw the heat. 除非你想自找麻烦。 Alfred Bello had a partner and he had a rap for the corps 阿尔弗雷德·贝勒有一个同伴,他在和警察说话 Him and Arthur Dexter Bradley were just out prowling around 他和阿瑟·德克斯特·布拉德利只是在外游荡 He said "I saw two men running out they looked like middleweights 他说“我看见两个人跑出去,他们看上去中等体重, They jumped into a white car with out-of-state plates" 钻进一辆白色的外地牌照的轿车。” And Miss Patty Valentine just nodded her head 而帕蒂.瓦伦丁只是点点头。 Cop said "Wait a minute boys this one's not dead" 警察说“等一下小伙子们,这个人还没死” So they took him to the infirmary 于是他们把他送去医院 And though this man could hardly see 虽然这个人几乎什么也看不见 They told him that he could identify the guilty men. 但他们告诉他,他可以鉴别罪犯。 Four in the morning and they haul Rubin in 凌晨四点他们把罗宾拖来 Take him to the hospital and they bring him upstairs 把他带到医院,带他到楼上 The wounded man looks up through his one dying eye 伤者用他奄奄一息的眼睛看了看 Says "Wha'd you bring him in here for ? He ain't the guy !" 说,“你们把他带为做什么?他不是那个人!” Yes here comes the story of the Hurricane 飓风的故事就这样开始了 The man the authorities came to blame For something that he never done Put in a prison cell but one time he could-a been The champion of the world. 这个人因他从没做过的事被判入狱,而他本可以成为一个世界冠军。 Four months later the ghettos are in flame 四个月后贫民区在沸腾 Rubin's in South America fighting for his name 罗宾在南美为他的名誉而战 While Arthur Dexter Bradley's still in the robbery game 同时阿瑟·德克斯特·布拉德利继续他的盗窃营生 And the cops are putting the screws to him looking for somebody to blame 为了找到替罪羊,警察正向他施压。 "Remember that murder that happened in a bar ?" “你记得谋杀是在酒吧发生的吗?” "Remember you said you saw the getaway car?" “你记得你说过看见一辆轿车逃离了现场?” "You think you'd like to play ball with the law ?" “你认为你喜欢和法律合作?” "Think it might-a been that fighter you saw running that night ?" “想想那天晚上你看见的逃跑的人会不会正是那个拳击手?” "Don't forget that you are white". “别忘了你是白人。” Arthur Dexter Bradley said "I'm really not sure" 阿瑟·德克斯特·布拉德利说“我真的不确定” Cops said "A boy like you could use a break 警察说“像你这样的小伙子得学聪明点 We got you for the motel job and we're talking to your friend Bello 我们给你找了份汽车旅馆的工作,我们正在和你的朋友贝勒说这事 Now you don't wanta have to go back to jail be a nice fellow 现在你不必回到监狱去做个好伙计 You'll be doing society a favor 你将为社会做出点贡献 That sonofa***** is brave and getting braver 那个***的很大胆而且越来越大胆 We want to put his ass in stir 我们要送他进监牢 We want to pin this triple murder on him 我们要把这三重命案算在他身上 He ain't no Gentleman Jim". 他可甭想当“绅士吉姆” [Gentleman Jim: 1942年美国拳击题材电影,中文译名《世纪》] Rubin could take a man out with just one punch 罗宾可以只用一记重拳就送对手出局 But he never did like to talk about it all that much 但他从不愿过多地谈论这些事 It's my work he'd say and do it for pay 他会说,这是我的工作,做这些是为了报酬 And when it's over I'd just as soon go on my way 只要这些一结束,我就上路了 Up to some paradise 去到一些好地方 Where the trout streams flow and the air is nice 在那里鲑鱼成群,空气清新 And ride a horse along a trail 还可以沿着小径骑马 But then they took him to the jailhouse 可是他们把他关进了监狱 Where they try to turn a man into a mouse. 在那里他们试图把一个人变成鼠辈 All of Rubin's cards were marked in advance 所有罗宾的牌都事先做了记号 [意指警方故意陷害] The trial was a pig-circus he never had a chance 审讯就是一个圈套他没有任何机会 The judge made Rubin's witnesses drunkards from the slums 法官把罗宾的证人视为来自贫民窟的酒鬼 [据网络资料,罗宾不在犯罪现场证人的证词当时是存在疑问的,这一点也导致了最后罗宾有罪的判决。] To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary bum 在那些旁观的white folks看来,他是个revolutionary bum And to the black folks he was just a crazy nigger 在black folks看来,他只个疯狂的黑鬼 [这几句不懂] No one doubted that he pulled the trigger 没有人怀疑他扣动了板机 And though they could not produce the gun 尽管他们没能找到枪 The DA said he was the one who did the deed 检察官说他就是凶手 And the all-white jury agreed. “全白人”陪审团表示同意 Rubin Carter was falsely tried 罗宾卡特被不正当地审判 The crime was murder 'one', guess who testified? 罪名是一级谋杀,猜猜谁做的证 Bello and Bradley and they both baldly lied 贝勒和布拉德利,他们都大言不惭地说了谎 And the newspapers they all went along for the ride 报纸也都在凑热闹 How can the life of such a man Be in the palm of some fool's hand ? 这样一个人的一生怎能任由这些傻瓜操控于股掌? To see him obviously framed 看着他所遭受的那些显而易见的陷害, Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land 我不禁为生活于这片土地而感到羞耻 Where justice is a game. 在这里公正是儿戏 Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties 现在,所有有罪之人都穿着外套打着领带 Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise 自由自在地一边地喝着马提尼一边看日出 While Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cell 而罗宾却像佛一样坐在十英尺见方的囚室里 An innocent man in a living hell 一名无辜者受困于活人地域 That's the story of the Hurricane 这就是飓风的故事 But it won't be over till they clear his name 但是还没完,他们得洗刷他的罪名 And give him back the time he's done 归还他逝去的时光 Put him in a prison cell but one time he could-a been The champion of the world. 他们把他被关进监狱,而他本可以成为一个世界冠军