[00:07.500]My transplanted head needs a change of direction [00:16]I can't find a hole I can put my erection [00:24.30]I hate my lover and she hates me [00:29]I don't know what I'm supposed to be [00:37]I'm facing up to the facts [00:45]I'm facing up to the facts [00:55]I'm back from the dead and I need penetration [01:04]My heart on a stick gets a standing ovation [01:12]I hate my brother and he hates me [01:16.500]That's the way it's supposed to be [01:21.500]I'm facing up to the facts [01:26.500]I'm facing up to the facts [01:30.500]I'm facing up to the facts [01:40.500]You know there's no safety net [01:45.500]You know this is all we get [02:13.500]Don't worry, be happy [02:17]Don't worry, be happy [02:22]Don't worry, be happy [02:26]Don't worry, be happy [02:32]Facing up to the [02:36]Facing up to the [02:40]Facing up to the facts [02:45]Facing up to the facts [02:49]Facing up to the facts