Santa Ana Winds Lyrics:Brian Wilson/Al Jardine Music:Brian Wilson/Al Jardine Here in Sothern California there is a weather condition known as the Santa Ana Winds. Fire wind oh desert wind She was born in a desert breeze And wind her way Through Canyon Way From the desert to the silvery sea In every direction See the perfection And see the San Gabriel Mountain scene Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes Fill my sails Oh desert wind And hold the waves high for me Then I will come And test my skill Where the Santa Ana winds blow free In waves of elation My part of creation Becoming one with the boundless sea Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes I am the wind Oh desert wind On my pilgrimage to the sea I will prevail I will not fail To bring life into humanity My song is creation (???)the nation Whispering the wisdom and its purity Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes Santa Ana winds keep blowin' across my eyes Santa Ana winds...