You Will Obey! Hello, insignificant life forms Plankton speaking I'm here to take over your fair city Hey, down here! I'm talkin' to you! Eh, what's the use? Attention please, open your ears Hey, listen up! I give the orders around here I'm gonna own you! Mind, body, and soul You must surrender to my mental control You'll feel my power! I'm number one man I'm the head honcho! With the big master plan Ooh, it's a good one! It hasn't failed me yet It's thinklessly simple, and there's only one step You will obey! (Bey, bey, bey) Do what I say! (Say, say, say) Do it my way! (Way, way, way) Go! (Go!) Stay (Stay!) You will obey You're gettin' sleepy, now I've conquered your mind Under my spell now, so just get in line Don't try to struggle, and don't ever doubt You're in my clutches and there ain't no way out! I don't ask, I just command What part of \"Do it\" don't you understand? You will obey! (Bey, bey, bey) Any games? Oh yeah! I'll rule the whole world, why settle for half? Ah ha ha ha ha, I've got a great evil laugh Dreamin' no genius, soon you'll all see I went to college! I have a degree When I say \"Jump!\