[00:02.44]Hey everybody, [00:03.64]it's good to be here at the Crusty Canteena, [00:06.16]We've got a real special show for you'll tonight, [00:08.93]Featuring my new best pal, [00:11.04]this guy, [00:12.52]He is an idiot, [00:17.61]So what are we going to sing about,SpongeBob? [00:21.15]We are going to sing a song about friends, [00:23.91]What kind of friends,SpongeBob? [00:26.26]Well, listen up and I'll tell you, [00:32.26]Who's there for you when you are sad and down? [00:35.18]Idiot friends, [00:36.76]Who picks you up and smacks you all around? [00:40.09]Idiot friends, [00:41.53]Who puts dodging you so you can save the town? [00:45.86]Idiot friends,idiot friends, idiot friends, [00:53.86]Idiot friends, [00:58.35]Idiot friends, [01:03.60]You know SpongeBob, [01:04.76]All we're going to do is singing about, [01:06.66]What are good for you, [01:08.30]Well, what have you done for me? [01:12.12]Who helps you pick your pants up off the ground? [01:15.43]Thanks buddy, cashes, [01:17.29]Who, an idiot friend would do that? [01:20.13]Let's bring it home, idiot friend, [01:22.95]Okay, [01:24.91]Who lets you ride on his coffins? [01:27.56]Who slaps you hard and often? [01:29.55]What do you and me have in common? [01:32.22]We're idiot friends。