Idiot Friends Hey everybody, it's good to be here at the Crusty Canteena, We've got a real special show for you'll tonight, Featuring my new best pal, this guy, He is an idiot, So what are we going to sing about,SpongeBob? We are going to sing a song about friends, What kind of friends,SpongeBob? Well, listen up and I'll tell you, Who's there for you when you are sad and down? Idiot friends, Who picks you up and smacks you all around? Idiot friends, Who puts dodging you so you can save the town? Idiot friends,idiot friends, idiot friends, Idiot friends, Idiot friends, You know SpongeBob, All we're going to do is singing about, What are good for you, Well, what have you done for me? Who helps you pick your pants up off the ground? Thanks buddy, cashes, Who, an idiot friend would do that? Let's bring it home, idiot friend, Okay, Who lets you ride on his coffins? Who slaps you hard and often? What do you and me have in common? We're idiot friends。