(originally by Rancid) You're selling ***ism. You're selling racism. You're selling anything you get your ******* hands on. An understanding; you got a plan in, a presentation to advertisers who demand it. When you plan that, antennas pointed in the right direction. You make a deal in any situation, so with no evacuation, let California fall into the ******* ocean! Oh ya they talk to ya. Oh You're the town man. Hollywood high-profile scum-bag. Ya it's a done deal, it's been signed and sealed. Deal-makers making it all happen. When you plan that, antennas pointed in the right direction. You make a deal in any situation, so with no evacuation, let California fall into the ******* ocean! let California fall into the ******* ocean! let California fall into the ******* ocean! Let's all sing to California as it falls into the sea!