Too late for Innocence, too late for Regret (Four Hands please better than Two) wakened by movement and the rise of another morning beside me slumber the semi-naked bodies of two sleeping beauties laced garment hang carefully from the bedpost; posing as an intimate reminder of yesterday's passion still in heels carefully strapped to delicate ankles a pair of shiny black boots lay scattered on the floor next to the bed two pairs of naked legs embodied in black silk; gently extend from the underneath the sheets of the unmade bed blond hairs veil the pillow and the naked stomach resting beside me between lover's entangled bodies we are forever linked; unified through the intimate doings of yesterday's passion entwined lovers peacefully sleep in the shelter of each others arms too late for innocence, too late for regret too late for innocence, too late for goodbyes too late for innocence, too late for denials as we touched as we felt as we taste each other; we surrendered to the pleasures of everlasting depravity through lust kisses and caress we gave ourselves each other carnal rapture unveiling th very soul of trinity as we please accepted and satisfied; we surrendered to the becoming of our most intimate selves exhausted and fulfilled realized and unified realizing the desires of uncovered fantasies resting in the naked remains of the night before lover's lasting symbols disguise our sore and satiated skins all over me all over them all over us we sleep in the pleasures of the past dreaming of arousal yet to come