Kingfisher Whose is the hand that I will hold? Whose is the face I will see? Whose is the name that I will call When I am called to meet thee? In this life who did you love Beneath the drifting ashes? Beneath the sheeting banks of air That barrenly bore our rations? When I could speak it was too late Didn't you hear me calling? Didn't you see my heart leap like A pup in the constant barley? In this new life where did you crouch When the sky had set to boiling? Burning within, seen from without And your gut was a serpent coiling And for the sake of that pit of snakes For whom did you allay your shyness? And spend all your mercy and madness and grace In a day beneath the bending cypress It was not on principle Show, pro-heart that you have got gall A miracle I can bear a lot but not that pall I can bear a lot, but not that pall Kingfisher sound the alarm Say sweet little darling now come to my arms Tell me all about the love you left on the farm He was a kind, unhurried man With a heavy lip and a steady hand But he loved me just like a little child Like a little child loves a little lamb Thrown to the ground by something down there Bitten by the bad air while the clouds tick Trying to read all the signs Preparing for when the bombs hit Hung from the underbelly of the earth While the stars skid away below Gormless and brakeless, gravel-loose Falling silent as gavels in the snow la-la-la I lay back and spit in my chaw Wrapped in the long arm of the law Who has seen it all I can bear a lot but not that pall I can bear a lot but not that pall Kingfisher, cast your fly O lord, it happens without even trying When I sling a low look from my shuttering eye Blows rain upon the one you loved And though you were only sparring There's blood on the eye, unlace the glove Say, honey, I am not sorry Stand here and name the one you loved Beneath the drifting ashes And in naming, rise above time As it, flashing, passes wo oh We came by the boatload And were immobilized Worshiping volcanoes Charting the loping skies The tides of the earth left Us bound and calcified and made as Obstinate as obsidian Unmoving, save our eyes Just mooning and blinking From faces marked with coal Ash cooling and shrinking Cracks loud as thunder rolling, I swear I know you; you know me Where have we met before, tell me true? To whose authority Do you consign your soul? I had a dream you came to me Saying, you shall not do me harm anymore And with your knife you evicted my life From its little lighthouse on the seashore And I saw that my blood had no bounds Spreading in a circle like an atom bomb Soaking and felling everything in its path And welling in my heart like a birdbath It is too short, the day we are born We commence with our dying Trying to serve with the heart of a child Kingfisher lie with the lion