Time Of The Prophecies It was the last day of December, in the year 1999. And the people were waiting for clocks to strike twelve. With fear and great expectations, they would step into a new millennium. Not knowing what to face or what to believe. [Bridge:] Tell me- Is our destiny coming? Or were the prophecies all wrong? I rise with the sun, there's no time to waste. I'll have to live my life while I am still young. As Nostradamus once predicted, disaster would strike earth. Wiping out mankind and everything they have done. [Bridge:] Tell me- Is our destiny coming? Or were the prophecies all wrong? Hold your head high, be brave and don't cry. There's still time to live our lives. Try to find some peace in your mind And do not think that the end could be near... [Solo: N. Dahlin / H. Juhano] Hold your head high, be brave and don't cry. There's still time to live our lives. Try to find some peace in your mind And do not think that the end could be near... - IN THE TIM E OF THE P ROPHECIES !!!