Go On Ahead and Go Home Go on ahead and go home Go on ahead and go home Boy, you've done your best Time you took your rest in the sheltering loam Go on ahead and go home Go on ahead and go home The spirits of the dead will meet you up ahead You won't be alone Go let your mama see you smile Go let your mama see you smile Mama's gonna wait however long it takes,but it's sure been awhile Go let your mama see you smile Go let your mama see you smile She's standing in the sun sayin'"Boy, your works been done a long, long mile" Down where the cotton grows tall Down where the cotton grows tall Where the bramble rose and blue hydrangea growsbeside the old mare's stall Down where the cotton grows tall Down where the cotton grows tall And a fragrant delta breeze shakes the cypress treesdown deep in the FallIn the deep of the night, In the deep of the night By the river so still where sorrows come to healand wrongs are made right Down in the deep of the night, In the deep of the night On a creaking porch swing, the ancient ones sing"everything is alright"