Hurry Up Tyrese -Hurry Up Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Girl I'm feeling so alone by myself in this big home Wishing you were here with me Decided to try my luck by calling you up Hopin'you can take me up out this misery As time passed me by I'm asking myself why Am I lying by myself So that's good for my health Which all the more reasons that you should be Right here baby right now baby Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so I'm staring out my room door twittling my toes Huffing and puffing cuz I'm bored Said it's been about an hour Think I'll take a shower Couldn't fall asleep playing Gameboy I'm sick of looking at the ceiling Girl I need a healing Callin'on you cuz you know what to do Which all the more reasons you should be Right here baby right now Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Said my doctor says that I don't need to be alone by myself I need someone to watch over me Said my problem could get worse If I stay at home in this bed If you're not lying next to me See you're my medicine Which I will be here again And a simple touch from you Girl this is an emergency Use a sense of urgency Please come and see about me Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Hurry up and give your loving to me Right now I need your body near me Girl you need to be right here with me so Sex one one I'm calling Sex one one I'm calling So what's up You gon'come over here and see about me or what Sex one one I'm calling Sex one one I'm calling Baby I feel like I'm dying I need you here right now Sex one one I'm calling Sex one one I'm calling And I know it's a beautiful drive But if you come over right now I promise you won't regret it Sex one one I'm calling Sex one one I'm calling