Love and Hard Times God and his only son Paid a courtesy call on Earth one Sunday morning Orange blossoms opened their fragrant lips Songbirds sang from the tips of cottonwoods Old folks wept For his love in these hard times 'Well, we gotta get going,' Said the the restless Lord to the son 'There are galaxies yet to be born Creation is never done Anyway these people are slobs here If we stay it's bound to be a mob scene But disappeared And it's love in hard times I loved her the first time I saw her I know that's an old songwriting cliché I loved you the first time I saw you Can't describe it any other way Any other way The light of her beauty is warm as a summer day Clouds of antelopes roll by No hint of rain to come In the prairie sky Just love, love, love, love, love When the rains came The tears burned Windows rattled Locks turned It's easy to be generous when you're on a roll It's hard to be grateful When you're out of control And love is gone The light at the edge of the curtain is the quiet dawn The bedroom breathes in clicks and clacks Uneasy heartbeat can't relax But then your hand takes mine Thank God I found you in time Thank God I found you Thank God I found you